Remember the Journey
We all have aspirations for something different or better in the future. I enjoy working with people toward their goals, and the journey is what is happening now. We often think we will be happy or satisfied when we achieve our goal. If we focus too much on the future, we miss the life we are leading in the present. Some think, “I will feel less stressed once I get into college.” “I will be happy when I make the basketball team.” “My family will be great once my kids appreciate me.” Goals are great, and they can make it hard to appreciate now. By appreciating life in its current state, we feel more ease on our journey toward our goal. There will be a day when you don’t remember the stress of getting into college. You will be okay whether you make the basketball team or not. Eventually, your child will realize you are a human, not just a mom, and that you deserve respect. Until then, your life is happening. It is possible to appreciate life as it is now and to not wait for the version of life you are hoping for. Imagine the relief that comes from appreciating your life exactly as it is. What if nothing has to change for you to feel better? I hope you can find peace in appreciating the journey.
- Dr. Adam Levin