Holding Space
The three of us at The Align Center hold space for you to safely face what is challenging you. Any project that stretches your comfort zone has an emotional component.
Searching for Validation
How often do we check how many likes we have on Instagram? How often are we trying to get the most "high fives" on Peloton? How often are we craving compliments from others? When we are seeking validation from others, the satisfaction is short-lived. We get it.
In our society, the focus is often on needing to be better. We need to be smarter. We need to be more productive. We need to be more attractive. We need to be a better partner/parent/child. We need to be what we are not.
Remember the Journey
We all have aspirations for something different or better in the future. I enjoy working with people toward their goals, and the journey is what is happening now. We often think we will be happy or satisfied when we achieve our goal. If we focus too much on the future, we miss the life we are leading in the present.
Be Kind to Yourself
We all face many challenges. Some of us add to the challenges by being hard on ourselves through our inner dialogue. You deserve to be kind to yourself, to be your own biggest supporter. You can learn to be your own best friend.
Anxiety is Tough
Feeling overwhelmed, experiencing shortness of breath, and questioning if this will ever go away can be painful. You can feel alone when struggling with anxiety. I do not want you to feel alone.
Parenting without Punishment
It is possible to parent without punishment. Punishments can bypass communication and can harm the relationship between the parent and child.
Why The Align Center?
Our challenges can be opportunities to improve our internal alignment, to feel more balanced. We can turn our pain into power if we are able to learn from it. We can become more forgiving, more accepting, more patient, more loving, more emotionally regulated, and, ultimately, more grounded.
Emotions are Tough
Emotions are difficult for people of all ages: children to older adults. Many people have tried multiple ways of dealing with unwanted emotions ranging from ignoring them, running from them, fighting them, even thinking positively.