Why The Align Center?

Our challenges can be opportunities to improve our internal alignment, to feel more balanced. We can turn our pain into power if we are able to learn from it. We can become more forgiving, more accepting, more patient, more loving, more emotionally regulated, and more grounded. For example, how do sadness, anger, and fear support our alignment? These feelings can be signals that we want to make a change, that there is something that is not being expressed, that we could be more kind to ourselves, that we want to be treated better. When the tread on our shoes is worn on the left side, we can change our soles, or we can learn to shift our balance toward the middle as we find better physical balance. Similarly, our emotions can tell us when something is off. When we take the time to be with our emotions, we can learn what they are telling us about our alignment. Ultimately, this can lead to more ease as we fine-tune our alignment and come to greater internal balance. I wish you self-compassion as you deepen your alignment.

- Dr. Adam Levin


Parenting without Punishment


Emotions are Tough