Tools For Anxiety
2. The Shift
The Shift can help regulate your breathing when you are feeling anxious. Although you don't need a tool to regulate your breathing, it can be a helpful point of focus. The Shift is a natural tool inspired by Japanese monks that only uses the breath.
3. Tulsi Tea
Tulsi Tea is known as holy basil. It is a revered medicinal herb in India that can reduce stress levels.
4. Box Breathing
Box Breathing is a strategy to slow down your breathing and signal to your body’s stress response system that you are okay.
5. Relaxing Music
Relaxing Music can be calming, and this YouTube channel provides soothing images to complement the music.
6. Legs Up The Wall Yoga Pose
Legs Up The Wall is one of many yoga poses that is grounding. It can improve circulation and have a positive impact on your nervous system.