Playing the Game
Don't worry. I am not insulted. I know that you may think that school is pointless. I have worked for over 25 years with many students who hate school. Does this sound like you? You complete your work. You think you are following all the directions, but your grades don't match your effort. When you check your grades in the online grade book, it is frustrating. Why can't you do better? It feels like you can never earn the "A". It feels like the teachers are out to get you. So, you get a "bad" grade and shoot an emotionally-charged email to your teacher asking to meet with him. Or, you just close out of the online grade book and try to avoid looking again because it is too painful. Academics can bring up a myriad of emotions. I get it. As an insider in the education system, I can help support you through the roller coaster of school. Is what you are doing working for you, or are you getting the same upsetting results over and over again? When was the last time you read your teacher's comments on your work and actually considered the feedback? I wonder if you read your teacher's comments if you would see patterns emerging. Is your English teacher always saying to write in complete sentences, use evidence to support your argument, or use quotes from the book in your writing? What if you read your teacher's comments for a few weeks and, with an open mind, consider what they are telling you? This feedback, as annoying as it may be, can help you develop your academic skills. If you were playing basketball and your shot was clearly not working, you would not stick with it. You would try something new. If your strategy in school is not working for you, is it time to try something new? The thing you may need to try has been in front of you throughout your entire academic career: teacher feedback. Think of your teachers as your coaches. Consider their feedback, not for them, but for you. Is it possible that they can help you improve your academic game? They are giving you the coaching. Are you taking the time to consider it? Are you ready to have more success in the game?
- Lel Gray Levin